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Heartstar Jewelry

Jewelry from my heart, as an expression of love, from my depths of myself, and those of the earth.

I have been working with stones and metals for almost ten years now. My journey towards this expression of artistry started on the road and really flowered during my time on the Big Island of Hawaii.  Through many, many hours of experimentation and guidance from lovely friends along the way, I was able to create my style, my way of expression.

My constant goal is to highlight the amazing stones I get to work with, in high quality metals to create pieces that connect with the heart. This practice has led me to many connections that I would not have had the opportunity to have been a part of. It has also been an agent in my shift towards creating and sharing the things that I am most passionate about.

Helios Heartstar

Helios Heartstar is an accomplished artist that has spent many years traveling to find his many muses. The culmination of his expertise has landed him in Eugene Oregon with his partner in community living. His unique experiences have led him to his years long commitment to wire wrapping gems and stones.

Over the years his skill has increased as well as his commitment to his clients. A quick email and short conversation is easily had. Most of his pieces come from the heart but he is very easily available for free consultation and willing to wrap personal items for your loved ones. Timely and quality is a virtue for this young artist who has many great things waiting for him. Get your order in now!